Ningbo Fangli Technology Co., Ltd. ia 30 urteko esperientzia duen ekipamendu mekanikoen fabrikatzailea da.plastikozko hodiak estrusio ekipoak, ingurumena babesteko eta material ekipamendu berriak. Sortu zenetik Fangli erabiltzailearen eskakizunetan oinarrituta garatu da. Etengabeko hobekuntzaren, oinarrizko teknologiaren eta teknologia aurreratuen digestio eta xurgapenaren eta beste baliabide batzuen I+G independentearen bidez, garatu dugu.PVC hodien estrusio-lerroa, PP-R hodiak estrusio-lerroa, PE ur hornidura / gas hodiaren estrusio-lerroa, Txinako Eraikuntza Ministerioak inportatutako produktuak ordezkatzeko gomendatu zuena. "Zhejiang probintzian lehen mailako marka" titulua lortu dugu.
In most extruders, the change of screw speed is realized by adjusting the motor speed. The driving motor usually rotates at full speed of about 1750 rpm, which is too fast for an extruder screw. If it rotates at such a fast speed, too much friction heat will be generated, and the uniform and well stirred melt cannot be prepared due to the short residence time of the plastic. The typical reduction ratio should be between 10:1 and 20:1. In the first stage, both gears and pulley blocks can be used, but in the second stage, it is best to use gears and position the screw in the center of the last big gear. For some slow-moving machines (such as twin-screw for UPVC), there may be three deceleration stages, and the maximum speed may be as low as 30 rpm or less (ratio up to 60:1). On the other hand, some very long twin screws for stirring can run at 600 rpm or faster, so a very low deceleration rate and more deep cooling are required.
Informazio gehiago behar baduzu, Ningbo Fangli Technology Co., Ltd.-k ongi etorria ematen dizu kontsulta zehatz baterako harremanetan jartzera, orientazio tekniko profesionala edo ekipamenduak erosteko iradokizunak emango dizkizugu.